Krispy Kreme and Approximately 61 Days of Survival

Happy Two Months to Me! Yeah, and since Krispy Kreme is having their 75th Birthday, I decided to ride on with their celebration. Now, for the people who've been my friends (personally or on FB), you might have noticed that I've been congratulating myself every Friday for another week down. This time, however, I've decided to make it monthly. (Also because it's getting too expensive to celebrate every week. Then again . . .) So here's my second monthsary celebration, brought to you by the amazing Krispy Kreme. The first time I've heard of Krispy Kreme was probably about five years ago. Every time some dorm mate or classmate of ours would be travelling to Manila (I don't think they had a branch in Cebu that time), we'd nag them to buy us some of these sought after doughnuts. And when they do give in to our annoying pleading, we'd wait patiently for them back at the dorm. Like pet dogs left by their owner or little children on Christmas d...