Fashion Confined: San San Nail Polish Remover

Okay, this is a fairly short post, but I just really wanted to tell everyone about this product. Nope, this is not a paid advertisement, and I am definitely not being coerced into writing this. I am, however, convinced that this is one of those products girls like me, who paint their nails by themselves out of boredom or creativity, would really love to have.

Yes, people, it's a nail polish remover. Now, considering that all my life I thought nail polish removers were all acetones, finding one that conspicuously says "Acetone Free" is a bit of a worrisome predicament. Will this even work? But hey, that wondrous time when I searched high and low for acetone and this was all I found, I guess any nail polish remover was better than no nail polish remover. So I went into HBC Robinsons Fuente, bought this weird water-looking substance in a blue bottle and went home.

Doubtful, yes, I was. Still, the need overpowered the regret of not going to other stores. So I used this product and lo and behold, it actually works. I mean, sure you need to rub it on your nails over and over and over, but it does the job. And what's more, it doesn't smell as strong as acetone. And yes, that Vitamin E you see just below the product name, I guess that works too. Unlike regular acetones, this one doesn't dry up your fingernail's surrounding skin and your fingernails themselves. Really, it's like putting polish-removing lotion or something.

So yeah, any girl out there who enjoys painting and creating art using her fingernails as canvas should probably try this at least once in her lifetime. Besides, it's really affordable and the important thing is it erases what needs to be erased.

So there, I promised a short post. =) Have a great day!


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