
So much to do, so little time

When we were young, people always seemed to ask us what we wanted to be when we grow up. The usual answers were to be doctors, teachers, law enforcers, lawyers, and many other professions that seemed to be the direction of most of the people we knew.

Fast forward to today, and I assume we're adults here now, some probably did become what they wanted to be as a grown-up. Some are still working on it. And some have switched to a completely different route.

All this to say that Pending Passions is my form of sharing all the things that I've wanted to do (hence the tagline) and some of the things I'm already doing. 

Passion drives us, and for those who've found theirs at an early stage and have already started reaching for it, good on you! Keep it up. For those who are still looking for what their passions are, keep it up too! You'll find the thing that clicks and you'll realize that this is what you were made for.

In the meantime, share in my adventure as I venture (again) into the world of blogging.

Just to prepare you, here are a couple of 


If you're new to this blog, heeeey! You might find that it's a wee bit scattered and some entries were pre-editor days. Do I plan on editing them in the future? I don't know, but I like seeing the progress of how my writing style evolved (or not). But starting with 2022 posts, I will strive to be more helpful and give more valuable content (Reaaaally? she asks herself. Can I do that?

If you're not new to this blog, welcome back to us, my friends! I missed you! Well, also because there's nothing to come back to in the previous months/years. I mean, look at that Archive! One post per year? Come on! So I will try (see that emphasis) to be more consistent in the coming days, weeks, months, and years. Let's see how we do.

Categories I might be talking about:

  • Feeding on Words - book reviews and bookstore adventures
  • Fashion Confined - an attempt to become a beauty and fashion reviewer
  • Short Story - exactly what it says, short stories either fiction or non-fiction
  • Kitchen Casualties - I cook? or try to cook hmm but I definitely eat
  • Review - for all the other reviews I make, like for movies or places
  • Pending Passion - just putting this here because I know I'll be writing about things that won't fall into the categories above.

There you have it. Let's do the work and actually make this happen this time. <3 

See you on the posts side!

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