Pending Passion: A Potential Review


When I was, oh I don't know, 9 or 10, I went to ballet classes. I don't remember if it was during summer or actually within the school year, but I kept going until we "discovered" my scoliosis.

But this post is not about my scolio. (I do have another post ready to talk about it, but I need to edit it first because I wrote it angry haha.)

In one of our ballet recitals, I was awarded as the ballet student with the "Most Potential." I still have the sash in my old bedroom drawer, and I'm sure I can still find the picture of little me grinning with so much pride wearing that sash. For some reason, that sash has defined a significant portion of my life.

Fast forward to nowadays, I still sometimes hear people tell me "You have so much potential!" excitedly pointing out all the things I could do. And it triggers me. It's not that I don't like being told that; I actually super appreciate it because I at least know what steps to take next. It's just that, after all these years, I still have just that


Have I been sleeping since being awarded that sash? No. I have done some things to move that potential. And maybe I just keep getting more potential as I grow up and old. But the more I'm reminded that I have potential, the more I realize that it's still just potential.

potential energy (noun)

the energy possessed by a body by virtue of its position relative to others, stresses within itself, electric charge, and other factors.

Are you still following? Good. Let's start moving this.

Right now, it's the beginning of 2023. During planner season (that's around October to December and sometimes up to January), I decided I needed to take a step up.

Hence the pic above and the declaration


In my head, I want to start taking action. I want to start using all that potential energy to move and go where I'm supposed to go. Not just to keep all that at rest (with the probability of it exploding). I want to do something about it.

And I was so optimistic haha. It's now the third week of the first month of 2023. I have yet to start moving.

Au contraire

This first post of the year is the first step. Now that it's out, there's no stopping it. And it's going to keep reminding me to keep rolling ("rolling, rolling by the river" or---if you're younger---"rolling, rolling, rolling what").

So keep me accountable, and I'll keep you updated. I have a lot to tell you but they're all just inside the many (and I mean many) lists that I keep.

 Here's to hoping for a Kinetic 2023!


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