Kitchen Casualties: Things I Know I Did Wrong

And we're back in the kitchen (and on this blog) after a more or less three-year hiatus on cooking/wreaking havoc/playing with food (which we should never do, no). Tonight's victim is a well-loved dish that people still find hard to identify: the afritada. Tadah. As anyone would easily notice, it does not look much like an afritada. But it is. You know why? Because the ready-mix sauce I poured on it said so. So here we go with what went wrong. First and foremost, I bought adobo cuts. It's not technically wrong, but it does deviate from the normal afritada. Second, I did not buy Baguio beans or green peas. Honestly, it was just because my basket was too heavy already to go get more greens. (Excuses.) Third, the instructions said "potatoes, in chunks." In my mind I was thinking of large cubes. In reality, I had diced those taters. And the carrots suffered the same fate. Fourth, stir-fry. I Googled afritada. I Googled the sauce. I Googled the ingred...