Transformers: Age of Extinction (I can't even)
In keeping with my tradition to write endless reviews after really awesome Transformers movies (wait, I've only written one), I have decided to spoil anyone who reads this who haven't seen the movie yet (because I'm that kind of person). This movie's cast includes Max Payne Really annoying teenage daughter Ed Sheeran and Caesar Flickerman Also starring the voices of Eeyore Scooby-Doo Fred Flintstone Ra's Al Ghul and one of the Stabbington brothers ( Tangled ) What I remember of the almost three-hour movie Basically the humans are hunting the robots. And if in the first warning you didn't get it, I'm saying it again: SPOILER ALERT. But the humans aren't the only ones. Apparently, Lockdown, this really cool bot whose alternate is a Lamborghini (a really sleek and sexy and contoured and downright awesome car), was sent to earth to clean up the mess the Autobots and Decepticons caused. You know, like the mess in Chicago four y...