Living the Dream with a1 Live in Cebu

What started out as a little girl's dream has now become this young adult's reality. (Note: Yes, it took me more than a month before I could post this, and it's not even finished yet. Expect the pictures in angle brackets to appear sometime in 2013. Other than that, try to enjoy this rather long droning of a fan girl.) I am an a1 fan. I keep the A in a1 lowercased because that's how it's written in their album, but do correct me if there's a rule about capitalizing the band's name. Since probably the year 2000, I have been buying cassette tapes (because I disliked CDs for some reason) and song hits, texting music channels and radio stations to play their music, and trying to collect anything related to the band, be it pictures, cutouts, or information from the Internet. Yes, I am an a1 fan, and this fan's life has just stepped up a notch. Who ever thought that such an internationally known band would ever visit the Philippines? Way back in 2000, I ...