Forever Just Ended: A Breaking Dawn Part 2 Review

Okay, I can't say that I am a real fan of the twilight saga, although I have read all four books plus the Bree Tanner short and watched all five movies, but I am simply going out of my way to say that I am seriously impressed with the franchise's very last movie. I mean I am totally, inconceivably, unbelievably blown out of my usual sarcastic nature toward movies. I'm not even going to discuss how weird it was for them to have a CG baby when they could have paid for a real one. And I am not even going to point out that on the night before the fight, Bella told Renesmee that she wouldn't be there, but when the morning came, she was still there. No, maybe that was because she really wasn't supposed to be there for the fight. Anyway, I'm not going to delve on the ridiculousness of having to explain what's happening as if we were reading the book. I am just going ahead and saying this is my most-liked Twilight movie--ever. Factors? I guess it helps that I can...