In Memory of You

(Note: Either you read it all the way through or read the last part only. Don't stop reading in the middle of it; you'll get the wrong picture . . . and we really wouldn't want that.) It took me years and years before I could say yes to you. And even when I finally agreed, I still told myself firmly that I wouldn't get hooked on you, that I'd remain loyal to my first. But that's probably just another one of those impulse promises we make from time to time, because as time passed, I grew almost addicted to you. True, it's only been about three years, but three years is a long time to spend together. All the messages we shared, all the late night moments under the pillow, trying hard not to be heard (please don't think wrong about this sentence). Being together for three years is like a lifetime, and for you, it is a lifetime. I remember when I first had you. Everybody congratulated me. "Finally," they all seemed to say. "It took you t...