
Showing posts from July, 2012

"Are you sure that's him?": The Dark Knight Rises Review

Warning: May contain spoilers . . . okay, will contain spoilers. =) Rarely do I find a movie that I cannot review without any sarcasm in the subliminal form. This is one of those movies. I'm no movie expert, but as an avid movie watcher, this is a great watch. I'm not going to say must  watch because anyone can survive life without watching this movie, but if you have the time and the resources (or have awesome friends who share your passion for big-screen movies and have extra money to spare), I deeply recommend this movie. So here's a tip for all you movie-watching readers: though it's not a requirement, watching the first two movies, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight , can give you a better movie experience. I know because I watched the first two movies about two weeks ago, and it really refreshed my memory. You'll find a lot of continuing story lines and clips that they've taken from the first two movies, which shows that the production team has tried...