Fashion Confined: Hair Pins and the arduous task of using them

A couple of months ago, I was running around on the website called Youtube and I found tutorials on how to fix my hair. As some of you may know, I now have very long hair that's straight at the top and curly at the bottom (sounds like food). I had it permed over a year ago and I'm loving the effect it finally has: the pseudo Korean hair when they want to make an actress look older.

So, since I have long hair and I was feeling creative, I bought myself this set of hair pins. My main objective was to get the Taylor Swift messy side swept updo, which you can watch here.

It seems easy when you watch the video and especially if you have someone to do it to your hair.

And because I felt very daring, like I can do anything they can do, without hairspray and all, I did the messy side swept updo.


Booyah! Thought I got it right. haha

Yes, that's all the pictures you'll get for this hairstyle because I could not bring myself to show you what happened. It kind of looks like a semi-medusa crossed with the I-just-got-out-of-bed-with-yesterday's-hairstyle-still-on-my-head look. Really, it doesn't merit any form of photo but hey, I was feeling creative. AND I did this while watching The A-Team in BluRay, so excuse my apparent lack of attention. XD

Anyway, I think hair pins are great. They hold stuff together and they keep girls looking sane. The main reason it took me so long to buy my own set was because my hair used to be straight. Straight to the point that clips and pins don't hold much friction with it and what would take me hours to put together would fall apart fifty times quicker. So, yeah, I had my reservations.

But now that my hair actually obeys my commands, I think I'm retracting all thoughts of chopping them off. At least not until I get the guts to get a short bob or a pixie cut, which would turn me into a boy and nobody really wants that.

So, to challenge my ability to work with the hair on my head, I found this awesome album in the Facebook page of The Fashion Hub and would like to share it to you. Note: not all pictures but only the ones making my hands itch. =)

The Waterfall Plait

The Caged Plait
The Head Plait
How in the world am I going to do that to myself???
Here's a plaiting tutorial.
The Plaited Bun
The Basket Weave Plait

And yup, I wonder if I could ever do any of those. The most recent plaiting I've learned would be the fishtail and it took me a long time to do it. Speaking of fishtails, this video from Forever 21 is also a cool idea to do with hair.

Okay, so maybe the messy braid is the easiest one because you can always just make the fishtails, go to sleep and when you wake up, tada! Instant hairstyle. =)

Styling hair can be fun, especially if you're doing it on another person's head. Looking forward to experimenting soon. Hope to post pictures as proof that I can style my own hair. =)

Have a great day everyone!


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