Feeding on Words: Taylor Swift x Hunger Games "Safe and Sound"

Beautiful. Just beautiful. And I don't just mean Taylor Swift. I mean the whole video, the song, the blending of Civil Wars and Taylor, the chills that run through me because of how watching the whole thing felt like being at the Districts in the Hunger Games.

Yes, one of the comments I've read about the video is that it gives off too much about the third book but that's for the readers to know and the viewers to read about.

I'm still waiting for the right moment to finish my review on Catching Fire and Mockingjay. I'm sure I'll be able to post it soon. You can read my review for the first book, Hunger Games, here.

In the meantime, enjoy this video and wait with me for March 23 when the Hunger Games movie comes out!

Have a great day!


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