Feeding on Words: Nothing Spaces x Field Notes Giveaway

Photo from nothingspaces.com
If you are anything like me, then maybe you have never heard of Field Notes or only have an inkling that you've read about it somewhere a long, long time ago. Being shut out of the outside world does that. However, because the internet is such an interesting alternative to the real world, and I am a sucker for notebooks you can actually flip around, write on with a real pen, or stuff inside your bag without worrying about its screen getting damaged because of all the other knick-knacks it has to contend with, this giveaway from Nothing Spaces is wonderful news!

A little background on Field Notes: It's made in Chicago, IL and used to never exist in the Philippines. Now it does through Avalon.ph. It's handy and convenient to bring around. It is aptly named and reminds me of archaeologists and scientists who dig and discover stuff, logging findings in their own version of field notes. It's a bit like moleskine but of course each brand has differences and similarities. It has lots of designs (I think) and well, they're not your average classroom notebook. I'd like to think they were made to inspire notes. =)

Nothing Spaces, in partnership with Avalon.ph is giving away a pack of these pretty notebooks to a lucky winner (though I can't seem to find how many winners will actually get this). Promo ends on February 5, 2012 which is this SUNDAY! It's easy to join, really. You just have to go to Carina Santos' (author of Nothing Spaces) site using this link: http://bit.ly/ns-fieldnotes  and follow her instructions. It's basically just getting the word out and there's nothing to lose! The winner will be chosen through a randomizer so that's going to be really fair. Gives me the feeling that I should practice hacking programs like that...just kidding, I don't even know how to hack. So anyway, give it a shot people! Who knows, you might just get yourself a couple of empty pages you can fill from end to end with everything from your thoughts, to your notes, to sketches and to manuscripts of future best selling books (at least that's what I intend to do with mine if I do win =)


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